Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer Book Read Instructions!~

1. Please choose 1 read from Group A, and a 2nd read from any other "group", including "A".

2. Please create a blogspot for yourself. It should be labeled as follows:


3. Please email me your choice of readings and your blogspot address:
by Saturday June 13, 2009. I will then compile a listing on this blogspot under the post
heading "Literary Circle Participants"

4. The idea is to promote dialogue between reading buddies!

5. Questions to be addressed and direct dialogue in your blog are:

A. Select passages that impressed you, either for:
(i) the language chosen, and comment on what makes it so spectacular!

(ii) the point of view of life presented, or its contribution to the story - and discuss
your feelings. Get feedback (that is the objective!).

B. Make some personal connections. Again - dialogue and share - Get Feedback!

C. Make real world connections - Again - dialogue and share - Get Feedback!

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